Quotable Quotes

"They never said it would be easy,
They said it would be worth it."

Friday, April 17, 2020

JUST KEEP SWIMMING!....Supporting Our Swimmers During the time of Coronavirus

Dear TAISM Swim Families,

I hope this post finds you well and that you are able to find a few silver linings during this time that you are home with your families. In this post, I am sharing a menu of links that include a variety of resources for our swimmers and swim parents since we can't be together during this unprecedented time. If you are interested, have a look around. I hope that you will find something inspirational, educational, helpful and interesting.

Chloe Sutton Instructional Stroke Videos - by Olympic distance FREE swimmer and Fitter & Faster Coach

Samantha Livingstone: Control the Controllables - an important message of focusing on what we can control during this strange time.

Go Swim Supporting Swim Education During this Time of Coronavirus - FREE offer for this strange time.

Fitter & Faster Live Audience Opportunities - there are still some opportunities this month available.

Fitter & Faster Exercise Routine for Swimmers Age 9-12 - a "live" video strength and conditioning exercise routine (and swim tips)specifically created for swimmers age 9-12, to do at home during this time of Covid-19. GREAT for swimmers 13+ as well!

Fitter & Faster: Dryland Fitness and Nutrition

Fitter & Faster: Yoga for Swimmers

Fitter & Faster Live Replays - collection of videos

Swim Swam - great collection of swim articles

Curated collection of Olivier Poirier Leroy Articles - motivational speaker/author/swimmer who focuses on building a high performance mindset in swimmers.

Unleash the Athlete 10/10/10 List - Curated Collection of 10 Books, 10 Podcasts, 10 Videos related to Sports/Coaching/Athletes, geared towards coaches though valuable for parents of athletes and possibly MS/HS athletes as well.

Free Dryland Class with Coach Abbie - National Level Swimmer and certified coach

    Happy Place. An old photo...and something to look forward to!

Thinking of you and MISSING you ALL!

x Ms. Cori

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