Quotable Quotes

"They never said it would be easy,
They said it would be worth it."

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Swim Suit Clearance

TAISM Team Suit Clearance Sale

We have very limited sizes left in stock of this year's team suits. How does the sale work? Suits will be sold on a first come, first served basis. Be sure to check in with Ms. Grace or Ms. Cori about what sizes are still available as we are hoping to sell out (I will also keep this page updated). Then you can pay the business office and take your receipt to Ms. Grace to pick up your new bargain swim suit. We plan to offer a new team suit style for swimmers next year.

      Boys Team Suit                            Girls Team Suit
Size          Boys Suits           Girls Suits

22 ------------- 3 ---------------------- 5 ------
24 ------------- 3 ---------------------- 3 ------
26 ------------- 0 ---------------------- 3 ------
28 ------------- 0 ---------------------- 0 ------
30 ------------- 0 ---------------------- 0 ------
32 ------------- 0 ---------------------- 0 ------
34 ------------- 0 ---------------------- 0 ------
36 ------------- 1 ---------------------- 1 ------
38 ------------- 3 ---------------------- 2 ------

                                 Original Price         Clearance Price

Boys Suits                18 OMR                  12.600 OMR

Girls Suits                27 OMR                  18.900 OMR

                                                     Previous Team Suit

Previous Team Suits

Size          Boys Suits            Girls Suits

 6 ------------- 13---------------------- 0 ------
 8--------------- 4 --------------------- 5 ------
16-------------- 0 --------------------- 5 ------
18 ------------- 0 --------------------- 4 ------

                                  Original Price         Clearance Price

Boys Suits                 10 OMR                  4.000 OMR

Girls Suits                 14 OMR                  6.000 OMR